PinnedPublished inValentin's JourneyHitler’s Uranium Club and Operation EpsilonWhile Oppenheimer and the rest of the big brains at Los Alamos were trying to figure out whether a nuclear bomb would ignite the…Sep 18, 2023Sep 18, 2023
Published inValentin's JourneyContainment of the Doomsday Machines“What we are creating now, is a monster whose influence is going to change history, provided there is any history left, yet it would be…Mar 27, 2024Mar 27, 2024
Published inILLUMINATIONThe Giant Rabbit that Lives on the MoonThere is a giant rabbit on the moon. No, it didn’t help NASA fake the moon landing. Yes, it’s real. Here is proof:Mar 11, 2024Mar 11, 2024
Published inILLUMINATIONAldous Huxley on the Exploration of the MindShortly after Huxley detailed his mescaline experience in “The Doors of Perception”, he published another book — “Heaven and Hell”, in…Mar 5, 20242Mar 5, 20242
Published inValentin's JourneyThe Day ChatGPT Lost Its MindA few days ago ChatGPT lost its mind. Not in the psychopathic, blackmailing way that Bing sometimes loses its mind. No, this was a…Feb 29, 2024Feb 29, 2024
Published inValentin's JourneyCan Transwomen Breastfeed?I come from Eastern Europe and asking this question over there will probably get you a lecture on gay propaganda and rotten Western values…Feb 26, 20241Feb 26, 20241
Published inValentin's Journey$700,000, Burnt Dog Poop and Ancient Greek PhilosophyThis is a story about a burnt piece of dog poop. No, that can’t be correct. This is a story about something that looks like a burnt piece…Feb 19, 2024Feb 19, 2024
Published inValentin's JourneyChatGPT Hacks a WebsiteIt is not every day (thank god) that I wake up to a new paper called “LLM Agents Can Autonomously Hack Websites”. But some days I do. And…Feb 16, 20242Feb 16, 20242
Published inValentin's JourneyChatGPT, Build Me a BioweaponHaving acquired my army of AI spies, the next item on my “conquer the world” to-do list would be to get some weapons. Since I don’t have…Feb 12, 2024Feb 12, 2024
Published inValentin's JourneyThe Meaning of the Meaning of LifeWe live together, we act on, and react to, one another; but always and in all circumstances we are by ourselves. The martyrs go hand in…Feb 5, 2024Feb 5, 2024